Thursday, January 10, 2008

Audience, Purpose and Design

Audience, purpose and design are all essential to keep in mind when writing a piece of literature. A piece of writing may have many purposes, but it always has a main one. A large role in my writing as of right now is to entertain people. I'm a music performer and entertaining is what I love to do, so at this point in time my main purpose in writing would be to entertain readers with my creativity. Knowing my primary purpose helps me to focus on the aspects of my writing that readers will find funny, interesting, and worth while. Writing for a specific audience goes hand in hand for knowing your purpose. If you're writing to entertain people and the audience it is being presented to is there to learn factual information they're going to be disappointed. Audience has not played a large role in my writing because usually the teacher is the only one reading my work... but now since we have these blogs I guess that is all going to change! My hopes are people like my blog and enjoy my writing. Lastly, when thinking about your audience the type in which you present your work is extremely important. If I'm writing a formal document I would use plain paper, a normal font, with all the right punctuation and grammar. On the other hand if i was typing an e-mail to my friend I could use any font and use whatever type of slang I wanted. If something is more important than the rest of the texts I underline or put it in bold print. Design has had a small role in my writing and I mostly have used it to better get my point across. All in all, audience, purpose, and design are all connected to each other in the writing process. I may not use all three effectively yet but I will try my best to learn how to.


428thMP said...

Hey Alec, nice response, so your a music preformer.....what do you play? The ideas you have about entertaining people through your writing is kinda cool because your used to doing that but now your applying that in a different way. It's true that we all use a different design depending on what kind of audience we're seeking. Good Job buddy, see ya in class on tues. Chelsea

428thMP said...

Hey how come you only have 1 post? just wondering??